Accoridng to reports Hrithik Roshan will step into the remake and star alongside Saif Ali Khan. The actor has liked the script and is really keen to do something new. For a long time after the stupendous success of War, Hrithik has kept his fans waiting to announce his new film. Looks like finally we know what is the Greek God going to start as his next at the movies. Vikram Vedha starred R Madhavan and Vijay Sethupathi and the thriller is known for to keep you on the edge of your seat. Meanwhile Hrithik Roshan is also going to make his debut in the webseries world on Disney + Hotstar platform. Hrithik also has Krrish 4, Sidharth Anand’s Fighters and War 2 on cards.
There were also rumours doing the rounds that Hrithik was considering a Hollywood debut and had been signed in for a film. Though nothing has been confirmed, but Mr Roshan rocking the West can easily be imagined. He has agreed to shoot a small cameo in Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pathan where he will reprise his role from War. Since YRF wants a RAW agents universe to build under his banner, our leading men are reading for this crossover on the big screen.