How result in far away Malaysia’s state election signals the return of Donald Trump

The victory of Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s coalition (Sabah People’s Movement) in the latest Sabah state elections is a curtain-raiser for the Malay political dynamics as well as the public mood all around the world. It is another proof of a very pertinent trend of anti-China frame of mind all over the world.

These elections far away from the USA provide a trend which is as visibly relevant in Washington as much as in Kuala Lumpur. The US general elections are about a month away, and the importance of anti-China sentiments are a big factor in the upcoming elections. And just as Muhyiddin Yassin’s politics is based on anti-China rhetoric, so is the politics of Trump, providing much-needed substance to the speculations of Trump riding the anti-China wave to election victory.

The election in the small state of Sabah facing the South China Sea was being seen as a referendum on the Muhyiddin’s 7-month long administration. The results have enhanced the confidence of the ruling coalition and thus it has solidified the pre-eminence of anti-China sentiments in the Malay politics. It has to be noted that Sabah was previously ruled by an opposition-led coalition and it was they who called for early elections. This shows the sheer confidence they had of their victory in the elections, however, the people had other plans.

Malaysian politics has had a long history of people shunting pro-China leaders, yet somehow, they don’t seem to learn their lessons. Either, they are too confident in their assumptions or the cash tray from China is large enough to buy off the conscious of these leaders. In 2018, Mahathir Mohamad took over form Najib Razak, who was unabashedly pro-China earning the position of Chinese stooge. Mahathir won on the identity of an anti-Beijing Malayan, but he also changed his tones on assuming the Prime Ministerial-ship.

To read more: ‘Going against India was a big mistake,’ A broken Mahathir admits after falling from power in Malaysia

He changed his rhetoric from spitting fire against Beijing’s overreach in Malaysia to advising fellow countrymen to kowtow to China and accept the overlordship of the Chinese Communist Party. Combine that with the anti-India statements of Mahathir, and we get the match made in hell. It brought the downfall of Mahathir, and he was sacked from his party replaced by Muhyiddin Yassin as the Prime Minister. As soon as he took office, he started dismantling the Chinese spiderwebs in the system. With relooking on all the investments from the Chinese companies and in June this year, it revoked the license of two companies linked to Huawei.

It was on the back of all these actions that the current Prime Minister of Malaysia got into this election and people gave their approval on his policies by voting in favour of his political coalition.

To read more: Malaysia revokes 5G contracts for 5 companies, Indonesia grabs China’s neck- Southeast Asia is taking on China

On the similar lines, if we follow the bread crumbs, the signals are very obvious even when we look them in the context of the United States and its general elections due this November.

Trump remains the only political leader and candidate who has consistently maintained anti-China rhetoric and who is also acting his words into action, by proposing a blanket ban on the Chinese Communist Party members in the USA which could affect 92 million members. He has not minced his words in calling out China for gifting the COVID-19 crisis to the whole world by hiding the information initially. He has time and again called coronavirus either Wuhan Virus or China Virus so that people remember who is responsible for destroying their lives.

A survey conducted by the reputed Pew Research Centre, 73% of the US adults hold negative views of Communist China and 78% place blame of global spread of COVID-19 on China. If one combines these statistics with the policies and perspectives of President Donald Trump, it is no rocket science to predict who is poised to win the upcoming general elections of the USA.

To read more: 78% Americans hold China responsible,’ Trump’s China policy is a success and he’s going to win with a huge margin

The only thing that is clouding analyst’s judgement is the left, social-democrat lens which forces a blind eye on the views favourable of any nationalist and right-leaning politician. To the disappointment of the social democrats (aka modern communists), the current circumstances in the USA with all the communist/ANTIFA chaos and building frustration for the Chinese, this an anti-China wave, it will be a Tsunami which will sweep away all the Republican opposition.

As the people have given a resounding victory to the Malaysian Prime Minister’s coalition in state elections, similarly Trump is going to ride the anti-China Tsunami to successful re-election, by taping on the anger of the suburban & middle-class families, Middle America & small business owners.

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