How parents are destroying their kids’ lives for a few bucks

Changing times have brought along a drastic change in the upbringing of children. With the advancements in technology, children are being exposed to a different kind of reality than the previous generations. Unlike previous generations who used to have leisure time and played real outdoor games with real friends, kids today are being pushed into various disciplines in the name of reality shows just to earn quick bucks. These shows have led to a compromise of their privacy as they partake in these activities in front of the general public. The rise of social media platforms like YouTube and Insta reels among others have only amplified this trend.

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In recent times, people have become obsessed with the idea of fame, especially among the younger generation. For instant gratification, children are being raised in an environment where everything is documented for social media.

Rather than enjoying life and living in the moment, people are more concerned with taking snaps for social media. They have become so fixated on capturing every moment of their life for social media that they forget to live in the moment.

The pressure to be perfect, and the constant need to live up to the expectations of others, has led to an unhealthy upbringing for children. These kids don’t experience the typical ups and downs of life that their counterparts go through. This lack of experience can leave them feeling ill-prepared for the challenges that life throws their way.

Research has shown that social media has a significant impact on mental health, particularly among the younger generation. Studies have revealed that social media use is associated with an increased risk of depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

Daily Vlogs: not living a life but rather faking it

Additionally, the rise of YouTube channels featuring vlogs about daily life affairs like Aayu and Piyu show & Sourav Joshi Vlogs among others – have aggravated the problem. Such shows created unrealistic expectations for the younger generation.

These vlogs often show people living a life filled with material desires, but they fail to recognize the value of even the most mundane things in life. The consequences of this is far-reaching and can lead to a sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction.

A proper balance between technology and real-life experiences should be encouraged. Parents should understand the importance of allowing their children to have a childhood that is free from the pressure to perform. The value of privacy should be instilled in children at a young age.

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