Hey, Let’s ChatGPT – The Economic Times

We need to talk about ChatGPT. Actually, not just ChatGPT but all artificial intelligence (AI)-powered content development tools. Whether it’s text-to-image AI or that capable of generating conversational text, computer code, poetry and more in response to prompts. AI has been chipping at creatives for a while, and this technological transformation is going to create as many opportunities as it does headaches for various sectors.

Discussions online so far have focused on embracing it wholesale or resisting the intrusion of AI into day-to-day work. But I think, so far, a lot of the judgement has focused too much on saving time, money and resource. Instead, we should shift our thinking to see this as a problem of originality. A challenge to get back to being remarkable. An opportunity to streamline brainstorming and ideation. To hold a mirror up to ourselves and ask – is this what I want to put out there?…

One of the most common forms of AI is machine learning (ML), which takes a massive set of data and processes it to spot patterns that can be used to predicate the outcome of similar cases….

See, ChatGPT will be a threat to being remarkable and original if it’s not embraced in a radical way. Because it’s trained on commonplace content – on massive amounts of data that hold patterns that can be read and predicated. That means if it’s churning out a fund-raising email, brand mission statement or film script – it’s opting for the common and unremarkable. It’s our job, our challenge, to push beyond that and be unpredictable.

From ‘A Radical Opinion on ChatGPT’, uxdesign.cc

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