Discussions online so far have focused on embracing it wholesale or resisting the intrusion of AI into day-to-day work. But I think, so far, a lot of the judgement has focused too much on saving time, money and resource. Instead, we should shift our thinking to see this as a problem of originality. A challenge to get back to being remarkable. An opportunity to streamline brainstorming and ideation. To hold a mirror up to ourselves and ask – is this what I want to put out there?…
One of the most common forms of AI is machine learning (ML), which takes a massive set of data and processes it to spot patterns that can be used to predicate the outcome of similar cases….
See, ChatGPT will be a threat to being remarkable and original if it’s not embraced in a radical way. Because it’s trained on commonplace content – on massive amounts of data that hold patterns that can be read and predicated. That means if it’s churning out a fund-raising email, brand mission statement or film script – it’s opting for the common and unremarkable. It’s our job, our challenge, to push beyond that and be unpredictable.
From ‘A Radical Opinion on ChatGPT’, uxdesign.cc