Fatima Sana Shaikh’s Bollywood career took off after she made her debut in Dangal alongside Aamir Khan. The film was a huge success and everyone noticed Fatima’s effortless performance in it. Soon after she started getting good offers and her last film was Ludo which was directed by Anurag Basu. The film was loved by the audience as well as the critics and Fatima’s enjoying doing different kinds of roles now. She has some interesting projects coming up too. However, the actress knows that the film industry can take a toll on one’s life and it is important to take breaks from work. Therefore, the actress often heads out for holidays to different places. She however prefers to go to places which are not popular tourist destinations and like to go to unexplored places.
A source close to her told Bombay times, “Fatima prefers to explore India during her short vacations between shoots she takes off on small trips in the country itself. She loves nature and visiting places and makes sure to capture the beauty of it through her camera. Fatima recently took a break and went to Dharamshala and she would rather visit and explore new places than go to some popular tourist destination.” Awesome, isn’t it?