Here’s how the movie-watching experience in theatres will change soon

Almost two months back, theatres and multiplexes were among the first things to be shut in India as a precaution against the spread of coronavirus. Cinema halls were shut instantly so that people do not gather in public places and they were told to practise social distancing. With the movie-business being stalled for more than two months now, the setback and the losses for the exhibitors are said to be enormous. 

Today a report in Mumbai Mirror explains what movie-watching experience will be like once the lockdown is lifted. When our country goes back to normal, social-distancing will have to be followed in public places and hence seat-distancing will be the new normal in theatres. 


Experts from the movie-business say that there will be cross-allocation of seats provided in the theatre. Booking of the seats will be such that there will be no one behind you, ahead of you and even next to you in the theatre. Multiplexes running several films will make sure that there is no overlap of intermission between two films and even the exit and entry timings of two shows. Several precautions will be taken by the theatre and multiplex owners to make sure that people maintain social distancing in the premises.

The theatre-owners are incurring great losses due to the breakout of Coronavirus. And even when the lockdown is lifted, they have to be careful with the footfalls in cinema halls. What do you have to say about these proposed changes? Let us know through our comments below. 

Almost two months back, theatres and multiplexes were among the first things to be shut in India as a precaution against the spread of coronavirus. Cinema halls were shut instantly so that people do not gather in public places and they were told to practise social distancing. With the movie-business being stalled for more than two months now, the setback and the losses for the exhibitors are said to be enormous.    Today a report in Mumbai Mirror explains what movie-watching experience will be like once the lockdown is lifted. When our country goes back to normal, social-distancing will have to be followed in public places and hence seat-distancing will be the new normal in theatres.    Experts from the movie-business say that there will be cross-allocation of seats provided in the theatre. Booking of the seats will be such that there will be no one behind you, ahead of you and even next to you in the theatre. Multiplexes running several films will make sure that there is no overlap of intermission between two films and even the exit and entry timings of two shows. Several precautions will be taken by the theatre and multiplex owners to make sure that people maintain social distancing in the premises.   The theatre-owners are incurring great losses due to the breakout of Coronavirus. And even when the lockdown is lifted, they have to be careful with the footfalls in cinema halls. What do you have to say about these proposed changes? Let us know through our comments below.

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