Anil Sharma, who is now enjoying the success of Gadar 2, recently shared his experience of watching the Jawan trailer, which stars Shah Rukh Khan. He also discusses his collaboration with the superstar. Anil said that he thoroughly enjoyed the Jawan trailer. He claims that he has long been a fan. He continued by expressing his admiration for SRK’s portrayal of a bald man in the movie and how amazing he thought it was. Anil revealed that he intended to see the movie the very first day it was released.
The director elaborated, saying that he hasn’t had the opportunity to collaborate with Shah Rukh Khan yet. He would, however, be more than happy to collaborate with him if given the chance. He further stated that SRK is currently a huge sensation and that producers are lining up to collaborate with him. Anil further stated that he doesn’t give the possibility of SRK working with him much thought. Gadar 2 recently held a star-studded success party, which Sunny Deol recently hosted. Bollywood’s elite were in attendance. Attended the celebration in the city were Kiara Advani, Ajay Devgn, Kajol, Sidharth Malhotra, Shah Rukh Khan, and numerous others.
Ameesha Patel and Utkarsh Sharma both play major parts in Gadar 2. At the box office, the movie has seen some record-breaking success.
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