It was early in the morning of Nov. 13, 1983, when police discovered the broken body of a 22-year-old woman lying by the side of a road in Tucson, Arizona.
Near Michele Frederick’s corpse was a smashed 1984 Corvette containing a .44-caliber Magnum revolver and a wallet with a Missouri driver’s license issued to August A. Busch IV. Busch, then a 19-year-old student at the nearby University of Arizona, was heir to one of the most legendary beverage fortunes of all time, the Anheuser-Busch brewery, home of Budweiser and Michelob.
August Busch IV holding the reins of one of Budweiser’s Clydesdale horses in 1991.
David E. Klutho / Contributor
When Pima County deputies arrived at Busch’s townhouse later that morning, they found him naked, with a sheet covering his midsection, according to the book Under the Influence: The Unauthorized Story of the Anheuser-Busch Dynasty. The top of his body was covered in dried blood, and police found bloody clothes, a semiautomatic AR-16 rifle and a loaded sawed-off shotgun nearby. Busch told deputies he wasn’t sure what happened, but he agreed to give blood and urine samples, which were later lost, according to the book.
Eight months later, the Pima County Attorney’s Office declined to press charges against Busch, though they acknowledged he had been the driver of the Corvette, which crashed and resulted in the death of Frederick, a local bartender. According to the county attorney’s office, people who saw Busch before the car accident said he’d consumed alcoholic beverages but was “not under the influence of alcohol.”
Evidence at the scene indicated the car was likely traveling 45 miles per hour, “in excess of the posted speed limit,” according to a press release by the county attorney, but “insufficient alone to support any homicide charges.”
“I like to say they were like the Kennedys, but with guns.”
It was the start of an adulthood that found Busch IV, known widely as “The Fourth,” making headlines for all the wrong reasons. When contacted for this story, Busch would not respond to any specific questions. He only issued a statement through his attorney, Maurice Graham: “Forbes’ decision to rehash previous and inaccurately reported events, for which Mr. Busch has never been found at fault, is distasteful and disparaging. Mr. Busch is proud of his long philanthropic record and numerous business accomplishments, including the creation of billions of dollars in wealth for Anheuser-Busch’s shareholders.”
Busch has never been convicted of anything. And had he not been the scion of a legendary family (among America’s richest, ranked No. 18 by Forbes in 2016 with an estimated value of $13.4 billion), he probably would have avoided much of the public spotlight he’s received. Instead, incidents that have included a high-speed car chase by police, a second mysterious death and a puzzling helicopter episode—usually involving guns—have led to big headlines that have overshadowed a career that took him to the top of the family business.
“[He] liked to party. The Busch males in general liked to party,” says William Knoedelseder, author of Bitter Brew: The Rise and Fall of Anheuser-Busch and America’s Kings of Beer. “They were not unlike the Kennedy family. They were like the Kennedys of St. Louis. I like to say they were like the Kennedys, but with guns.”
Born to Lead—for a Time
Around St. Louis, Busch was known as a wild guy with a playboy reputation. “He always had a beautiful girl,” Knoedelseder says. And on May 31, 1985, just two years after the fatal Arizona incident, Busch was arrested after an infamous police chase.

A collection of headlines from 1985 and 2019 from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch referencing August Busch IV’s 1985 arrest.
At about 1:30 a.m., after he nearly crashed his Mercedes into their unmarked car, St. Louis police detectives began to chase Busch. According to Under the Influence and coverage in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Busch was driving home from a nearby topless bar. The chase continued for 20 minutes at high speeds—officers reportedly thought they were chasing a notorious drug dealer—and came to an end only after a detective shot out Busch’s left rear tire.
Then the officers realized who Busch was. According to the book, they changed Busch’s damaged tire for him.
But the police found a .38-caliber revolver on the floor of the car, and the beer heir was later charged with three counts of third-degree assault, according to the Associated Press, because officers claim he almost hit some of them during the pursuit. The case went to trial and Busch was found not guilty; his attorney successfully argued that Busch thought he was being chased by kidnappers, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

August Busch IV on the cover of Forbes’ March 2000 issue.
His need for speed manifested itself through Busch’s late twenties. Between 1990 and 1991, Busch raced in 12 offshore powerboat races for the Bud Dry Draft team. But Busch’s father, August Busch III, was afraid his son might get injured and quickly “piled on lots of new corporate duties,” according to a 1992 Forbes brief.
The beer heir started at Anheuser-Busch in his early twenties as a brewery apprentice. In early 1990, he was promoted to senior brand manager for Bud Dry Draft. In the decade that followed, his father named him vice president of Budweiser brands and later vice president of brand management.
“I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t want to be CEO,” Busch told Forbes in 2000. “That’s an ambition I have and one I want to see become a reality. But I’m young—with time on my side.”
Anheuser-Busch was cofounded by his great-great-grandfather Adolphus Busch in 1852, and the company was largely run by the family from then on. There could be tumult at the top, as in 1974 when 38-year-old Busch III conspired against his own dad (August “Gussie” Busch Jr.) and persuaded the company’s board that he should run the company.
In 2002, when it was time for the elder Busch to step down, his son was 38 and seemed to some a likely candidate to take over. Instead, the board chose a longtime Anheuser-Busch executive, Patrick T. Stokes, making him the first nonfamily CEO.
It was only after “The Fourth” settled down in his 40s, marrying 26-year-old Kathryn Thatcher, that he was promoted to CEO, in 2006. “Certain people probably were uncomfortable” when he was named chief executive, Busch told a Forbes reporter in 2007. “They might have said, ‘Wait a minute, this guy might be a little too wild.’”
But Busch seemed to excel in his new role. In his first year as CEO, he engineered the $82 million acquisition of InBev’s Rolling Rock beer. He also helped introduce 14 microbrews with stronger flavors and a higher gross profit margin—up to $6 per case compared with $3.50 for a case of Bud, Forbes reported in 2007.
His time at the top was short-lived. In July 2008, Anheuser-Busch’s board agreed to a $52 billion takeover by rival InBev. Busch was permitted to sit on the new Anheuser-Busch InBev board but was stripped of his executive position. Roughly around the same time, he and Thatcher divorced quickly; they never had children. And while it seemed that Busch’s public role was dimming, he was about to face even greater, unwanted public attention.
Mysterious Death No. 2
Shortly after 1 p.m. on Dec. 19, 2010, Missouri’s Frontenac police department received a call about an unresponsive person at a home in St. Louis’ wealthy Huntleigh neighborhood.
Police arrived and were met by the home’s resident, August Busch IV, who was standing in the patio doorway. Busch told police, “She was in the bedroom and she was not breathing,” according to a police report. Police followed Busch to his master bedroom, where they found his 27-year-old girlfriend, Adrienne Martin, lying in the bed on her back.
Martin’s face and hands were pale and her lips were blue. She was wearing a black zip-up sweatshirt, a blue undershirt, gray spandex pants, one black sock and a silver-and-diamond Breitling watch, with the time stopped at 5:35:08 a.m. The room, as well as the adjoining bathroom, was in disarray. Police observed power cords, Gatorade bottles, flashlights, remote controls and other items strewn about the room. Inside a small toilet room next to the bathroom sat a loaded shotgun and a loaded Glock pistol with an extended magazine, hanging on a hook next to the toilet paper roll. On top of a wooden chest were three prescription bottles in Martin’s name.

A collection of headlines from 2010 to 2012 referencing the death of Adrienne Martin at the Busch estate.
Police said they did not see any signs of a struggle, according to the report. Underneath Martin, between the mattress and the box spring, police found a white plastic straw filled with a white, powdery substance, which they later found revealed small traces of cocaine.
According to Busch, the couple ate a steak dinner the previous evening, though Martin did not eat very much. He said Martin had not felt well recently and “looked bad” that night, and while he said he went to bed early—very early—at 6 p.m., she stayed up in the home’s TV area. Though he got up and asked Martin to come to bed multiple times that night, Busch said she didn’t get in bed until 2 a.m.
At around 3 a.m., Busch said, he woke up and noticed Martin was awake but “kind of groggy.” He told police he went back to sleep and didn’t wake up until around 1 p.m., when he went to the kitchen to make two protein shakes for them. When he was unable to wake Martin up, he told police, he asked a domestic employee to call 911.
Busch told police that Martin was not on any prescription drugs, nor had she used any illegal drugs. But a medical examiner’s report showed that Martin had some cocaine and oxycodone in her system, and said a small hole in Martin’s nasal septum was associated with “chronic” cocaine abuse. The cause of death was listed as “oxycodone intoxication,” and was deemed an accident.
Weeks after the incident, Frontenac police interviewed Martin’s ex-husband, Kevin Martin, who told police he and Busch were very friendly, “almost like brothers.” According to the police report, Martin said he worried about Busch, that he seemed depressed. And Martin said Busch had told him he thought “God is punishing him for what happened to the girl in Arizona.”
“The talk around town was he got away with it again. The rich kid got away with it again.”
Busch stopped cooperating with police shortly after, according to Bloomberg Businessweek. Then, months later, Kevin Martin filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against Busch on behalf of Martin’s son. Adrienne Martin’s parents, Larry Eby and Christine Trampler, soon joined the suit. Busch denied any responsibility for her death. But the parties reached a $1.75 million settlement with Busch in October 2012, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
In a statement to the Post-Dispatch, Busch’s attorney, Maurice Graham, said, “Mr. Busch … is happy this long and at times bitter legal dispute is finally over. … August’s concern was that [Martin’s son] receive as much of the total settlement as possible.”
Police also had ended their own investigation, and prosecutors declined to press charges as there was “no evidence to indicate it was anything other than accidental,” according to the Post-Dispatch. But that didn’t stop people from reaching their own conclusions, according to Knoedelseder. “The talk around town was he got away with it again,” Knoedelseder says. “The rich kid got away with it again.”
“Continued to Ramble”
Busch maintained a low profile until July 10, 2017, when he was arrested after police were notified that an “intoxicated male” was attempting to fly a helicopter from a Swansea, Illinois, parking lot. Police arrived, found Busch inside a helicopter and persuaded him to get out and take a breathalyzer test, which came back .000 for alcohol, according to the police report. However, Busch failed field sobriety tests and his speech was “very mumbled and slurred.”

(Top:) August Busch, IV’s Bell 407 helicopter sits in a parking lot of the Bronze Pointe office complex in Swansea, Ill. (Bottom:) Digital images of the weapons seized from Busch at the time of his arrest.
Tim Vizer / Associated Press, Swansea Police Department
Police also reported that Busch appeared anxious, wouldn’t maintain eye contact and seemed unable to keep a single train of thought. Inside the helicopter was “six or seven small breed dogs,” and Dawna Wood, who identified herself as Busch’s wife. (According to the Post-Dispatch, “a source said that while Busch and Wood are not legally married, they have been in a relationship for several years and consider themselves as such.”) Wood told police that Busch had anxiety issues and was off his medication because of a recent fertility treatment, according to a report published by the Chicago Tribune.
Police initially told Busch he was free to go. But after Busch “continued to ramble about things that were unrelated,” they began to question him further, according to the report. Police then discovered four loaded guns and prescription pills (Xanax, Clonazepam) in the helicopter, according to the Tribune. And they noted he was wearing a dog leash for a belt. They decided against letting Busch fly off, arrested him on suspicion of reckless conduct, unlawful use of a weapon and being intoxicated in or about an aircraft, and secured a court-ordered search warrant that required Busch to submit to blood tests.
The test results eventually showed he had no drugs or alcohol in his system. And no charges against him were ever filed.