Exclusive: Ishaan Khatter on The Perfect Couple, Nicole Kidman & more

In The Perfect Couple, a Nicole Kidman-led mystery thriller, Ishaan Khatter plays the enigmatic Shooter Dival. The show which also features Liev Schreiber, Eve Hweson, Dakota Johnson, Meghann Fahy and more, marks his Hollywood debut. And it isn’t just a blink-and-miss appearance. Right from the viral opening theme to the big reveal at the end, Khatter gets his space in the spotlight. In an exclusive interview with Filmfare, the actor opened up about working with Hollywood A-listers, signing autographs at the show’s UK premiere and his fanboy moment with Florence Pugh.

What was your family’s reaction to your role in The Perfect Couple?

My mom has always been my first audience. But I didn’t know what to expect on this one because it was such an individual journey. Similar to my first film, Beyond the Clouds and A Suitable Boy, nobody had seen anything of it or had any idea of what it was going to be. I was relieved when she responded to it because she loved it. I always take it with a pinch of salt because she’s my mom and she can be biassed but she’s also a very accomplished artist. So I take her words with a lot of value. And I think my family’s proud, which makes me really happy. It’s always the best feeling.

At the UK premiere, you called this a different role for a young Indian actor. Is that what made you sign up for it?

Definitely! I had sent a tape for it and they chose me on the basis of that tape and I got a call back in about a week. Then I was sent the scripts and by the time I was cast, we were closer to production. I was pleasantly surprised when I read the two scenes that I received for the audition, they were very interesting and I was like, oh, this seems different. But when I read the scripts, I realised this is a part and I’m not just playing a token diverse character. And then there was meat on the bone. As an actor, I’m looking for something like this to throw me in a new space. It was a no-brainer. It was a great setup, a great part, insane cast so I was just happy to be a part of it.

Were you surprised when people asked for your autograph at the UK premiere of the show?

I start my next project very soon, so I had to come back and be ready to start shooting. It was about getting it all done, and working with many new people. It was exciting. So by the time we were on the carpet, and I’ve seen it before on videos and stuff, they have stands. But I didn’t think about it. It was a nice surprise.

You also met Florence Pugh?

She’s lovely. It was a bit of a fanboy moment. Honestly, she’s one of the young actors that I would watch in anything. I would go to a movie just because she’s in it. And I think she’s fabulous. It was a bit of a pinch-me moment because she had some kind things to say. And I was like, stop, this is too much. It was amazing.

Ishaan Khatter

Was working with Nicole Kidman also a fanboy experience?

It was very different because I was working. When I’m at work, how do I put it? I see it like my seva or sajda. It sounds corny as hell, but it’s true. Since it was in a work environment that I met her in, I had to level myself. But it was lovely. Initially, I was like, “Wow, it’s Nicole Kidman. She’s an icon.” But we’d also been in production for about six weeks at that point. So the rest of the cast members were already friendly by that point. Then she entered the set and it was a lot of energy and excitement. But she was lovely and she was just like anyone else, really. If anything, a little more generous and a little more centred because she’s seen it all, right? And that’s what makes her the icon that she is. She pretty effortlessly becomes a part of the unit. I’m happy to say that she’s such a wholesome person outside of the artist and star that she is.

Your character in the series is both charming and mysterious. What was your process of bringing out all these different sides?

That was one of the things about the character that intrigued me from the beginning. I was like, who is this guy? But I think finding that was exciting as an actor. And there’s an interesting arc. When there are certain revelations that finally happen, it’s unexpected and interesting. It was one of the elements of the writing I really enjoyed. As far as my character is concerned, I think the only thing that I could connect with him was on an emotional level. His life is different. There was a thin line to walk through because of course, it’s a whodunit and everybody’s a suspect. But with this character, particularly, he’s in a very interesting position to be viewing the dynamic from. It’s an outsider, insider situation. There is a duality that I really enjoyed. Susanne Brier is largely instinctive as a director and she likes to not prep too much. So I was happy to follow her process and find it as we went.

Are you good at keeping secrets?

I think so. I can keep others’ secrets. Although I’ve been told that one of my advantages as an actor and disadvantages in life is that my eyes show what I’m feeling very quickly. So I think I would be a bad suspect. I would be called out for being guilty pretty quick if I were. I’m pretty transparent in that way.

Ishaan Khatter

What’s your idea of a perfect couple?

There is none. I think the closest thing to perfection is if there is a lasting desire to keep understanding each other because we’re all evolving. On an individual level, we’re all changing so you never fully know someone. That’s a good thing to have at the back of your mind. And especially when you’re in a relationship to not take the other person for granted and to have the desire to keep sharing and communicating. That is the closest thing that will bring you to an ideal place to be able to, hopefully, carry on being together.

What is your take on infidelity?

I believe in the value of being loyal and having a loyal partner. It matters to me and I would extend the same courtesy to my partner. Some people feel physical infidelity is not really infidelity. But for me, it’s no go. Stay simple.

How different was your experience of working in a Hollywood production?

It was different. The main differences to me were cultural differences. I think essentially what we do is the same thing. The process at large remains the same. But there are many protocols, the structure, the attitude and the approach are different. And that comes from the American culture and the Indian culture being so different. They’re very diverse, right? Beyond that, same thing, same human beings, same kind of emotions, same same hustle, same bad food on set.

While you’ve made your Hollywood series debut your A Suitable Boy co-star Tabu is also making hers in Dune: Prophecy. How do you feel about that?

She’s amazing. She’s one of the best we have. I love her dearly. I think my experience of working with her was one of the peak career moments for me so far. I was too lucky to work with her. It was one of the most uncomplicated, simple working partnerships I’ve had so far. She just made it easy to work with her. She’s incredible and she’s going to be awesome in it, I’m sure.

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