Discovery shopping, next retail phenomenon

In this great age of AI and AI-washing – the latter being where AI is used as a catchword for everything and anything to add some ‘techy’ oomph – predicting customer taste is becoming tediously easy-peasy.

From shopping items to online music setlists, humans are telling fellow humans how AI is getting ever-so-precise at providing bespoke choices without trial and error.

In other words, if you like green curtains, Taylor Swift and pineapple pizza, the retailer ‘armed with AI’ will be able to enable your bad taste and take it further into directions you were never aware you had intended to take. For most people, this is a boon they always wanted – a personalised conveyor belt.

Which leaves the surprise element for a separate premier class of consumers. This lot would like to be, well, surprised, offered things and services that they – or, for that matter, AI – can never guess they ever wanted.

If marketed in an exciting blind date format, ‘discovery shopping‘ could be the next big premium retail phenom. Your favourite colour’s black, your musical taste lies in death metal, and you like ketchup on everything you eat?

Then go on, go for fuchsia, electro-folk and plum sauce. With the right marketing razzmatazz – and acquired taste – you’ll end up buying more things in heaven and earth, Harish, than are dreamt of in your algorithm.

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