After an article surfaced on the internet about the Enforcement Directorate finding a missing payment of Rs. 17 crores in Sushant Singh Rajput’s bank account, Dinesh Vijan’s Maddock Filsm came under the radar of interrogation. The filmmaker had worked with Sushant in Raabta.
Clearing the air around the missing payment, the production house issued a clarification, “The information you have received and what you have published is incorrect. Kindly note that Maddock Films has not made any payment to Sushant in Hungary. Maddock has also not received Rs 17 crores whether as actor fee, or any rebate from Hungary as wrongly claimed in your article. We have made the full and final payment to Sushant for the film Raabta as per the agreement signed by him with us, and this payment was received by him in India.”
The statement further stated that they are cooperating with ED to clear any allegations against them, “We have submitted relevant documents for the proof of such payment to the department. It should be noted that in fact all funding and financial transactions for the shooting in Hungary were handled by T-Series. You may confirm from T-Series. Maddock Films is a responsible filmmaker and we dutifully follow the rules and law of our country.”