Diljit Dosanjh’s recent concert in Chandigarh has landed the organizers in trouble for violating noise-level restrictions. The concert’s noise exceeded the 75-decibel limit set by the Punjab and Haryana High Court, with readings ranging from 76.1 to 93.1 decibels. As a result, authorities are considering levying a fine of Rs 15 lakh for the violation.
The singer-actor’s ongoing Dil-Luminati tour has already faced multiple issues, including a warning from the Telangana government about promoting alcohol and violence at his Hyderabad show. Protests in Indore led to restrictions on alcohol and meat, and in Pune, alcohol was banned altogether.
During the Chandigarh show, Diljit expressed frustration over India’s concert infrastructure, saying he would not perform in the country again until improvements were made. He emphasized the importance of better facilities to support live events, which contribute significantly to the economy and employment.
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