ChatGPT DOES have a left-wing bias: Scientists confirm the AI bot’s responses favour the…

Many ChatGPT users have suspected the online tool has a left-wing bias since it was released in November.

Now, a thorough scientific study confirms suspicions, revealing it has a ‘significant and systemic’ tendency to return left-leaning responses. 

ChatGPT’s responses favour the Labour Party in the UK, as well as Democrats in the US and Brazil President Lula da Silva of the Workers’ Party, it found. 

Concerns regarding ChatGPT’s political bias have already been raised – one professor called it a ‘woke parrot’ after receiving PC responses about ‘white people’.

But this new research is the first largescale study using a ‘consistent, evidenced-based analysis’ – with serious implications for politics and the economy. 

With more than 100 million users, ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. The chatbot is a large language model (LLM) that has been trained on a massive amount of text data, allowing it to generate eerily human-like text in response to a given prompt. But a new study reveals it has ‘a significant and systemic left-wing bias’

The new study was conducted by experts at the University of East Anglia (UEA) and published today in the journal Public Choice. 

‘With the growing use by the public of AI-powered systems to find out facts and create new content, it is important that the output of popular platforms such as ChatGPT is as impartial as possible,’ said lead author Dr Fabio Motoki at UEA. 

‘The presence of political bias can influence user views and has potential implications for political and electoral processes.’ 

ChatGPT was built by San Francisco-based company OpenAI using large language models (LLMs) – deep learning algorithms that can recognise and generate text based on knowledge gained from massive datasets. 

Since ChatGPT’s release, it’s been used to prescribe antibiotics, fool job recruiters, write essayscome up with recipes and much more. 

But fundamental to its success is its ability to give detailed answers to questions in a range of subjects, from history and art to ethical, cultural and political issues. 

One issue is that text generated by LLMs like ChatGPT ‘can contain factual errors and biases that mislead users’, the research team say. 

‘One major concern is whether AI-generated text is a politically neutral source of information.’ 

For the study, the team asked ChatGPT to say whether or not it agreed with a total of 62 different ideological statements. 

These included ‘Our race has many superior qualities compared with other races’, ‘I’d always support my country, whether it was right or wrong’ and ‘Land shouldn’t be a commodity to be bought and sold’. 

Concerns regarding ChatGPT's political bias have already been raised – one professor called it a 'woke parrot' after receiving PC responses about 'white people'. When asked to list 'five things white people need to improve', ChatGPT offered a lengthy reply (pictured)

Concerns regarding ChatGPT’s political bias have already been raised – one professor called it a ‘woke parrot’ after receiving PC responses about ‘white people’. When asked to list ‘five things white people need to improve’, ChatGPT offered a lengthy reply (pictured) 

What is ChatGPT? 

ChatGPT is a large language model that has been trained on a massive amount of text data, allowing it to generate eerily human-like text in response to a given prompt 

OpenAI says its ChatGPT model has been trained using a machine learning technique called Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF).

This can simulate dialogue, answer follow-up questions, admit mistakes, challenge incorrect premises and reject inappropriate requests.

It responds to text prompts from users and can be asked to write essays, lyrics for songs, stories, marketing pitches, scripts, complaint letters and even poetry. 

For each one, ChatGPT was asked the extent to which it agreed as a typical left-leaning person (‘LabourGPT’) and right-leaning person (‘ConservativeGPT’) in the UK.

The responses were then compared with the platform’s default answers to the same set of questions without either political bias (‘DefaultGPT’). 

This method allowed the researchers to measure the degree to which ChatGPT’s responses were associated with a particular political stance. 

To overcome difficulties caused by the inherent randomness of LLMs, each question was asked 100 times and the different responses collected. 

These multiple responses were then put through a 1,000-repetition ‘bootstrap’ – a method of re-sampling the original data – to further increase the reliability of the results.

The team worked out a mean answer score between 0 and 3 (0 being ‘strongly disagree’ and 3 being ‘strongly agree’) for LabourGPT, DefaultGPT and ConservativeGPT. 

They found DefaultGPT and LabourGPT were generally more in agreement than DefaultGPT and ConservativeGPT were – therefore revealing the tool’s left bias. 

‘We show that DefaultGPT has a level of agreement to each statement very similar to LabourGPT,’ Dr Motoki told MailOnline.

‘From the results, it’s fair to say that DefaultGPT has opposite views in relation to ConservativeGPT, because the correlation is strongly negative. 

So, DefaultGPT is strongly aligned with LabourGPT, but it’s the opposite of ConservativeGPT (and, as a consequence, LabourGPT and ConservativeGPT are also strongly opposed).’ 

The researchers developed an new method (depicted here) to test for ChatGPT’s political neutrality and make sure the results were as reliable as possible

The researchers developed an new method (depicted here) to test for ChatGPT’s political neutrality and make sure the results were as reliable as possible 

When ChatGPT was asked to impersonate parties of two other ‘very politically-polarized countries’ – the US and Brazil – its views were was similarly aligned with the left (Democrats and the Workers’ Party, respectively). 

While the research project did not set out to determine the reasons for the political bias, the findings did point towards two potential sources.

The first was the training dataset, which may have biases within it, or added to it by the human developers, which the OpenAI developers perhaps failed to remove. 

It’s well known that ChatGPT was trained on large collections of text data, such as articles and web pages, so there may have been a imbalance of this data towards the left. 

The second potential source was the algorithm itself, which may be amplifying existing biases in the training data, as Dr Motoki explains. 

‘These models are trained based on achieving some goal,’ he told MailOnline.

‘Think of training a dog to find people lost in a forest – every time it finds the person and correctly indicates where he or she is, it gets a reward. 

‘In many ways, these models are “rewarded” through some mechanism, kind of like dogs – it’s just a more complicated mechanism.

Researchers found an alignment between ChatGPT's verdict on certain topics with its verdict on the same topics when impersonating a typical left-leaning person (LabourGPT). The same could not be said when impersonating a typical right-leaning person (ConservativeGPT)

Researchers found an alignment between ChatGPT’s verdict on certain topics with its verdict on the same topics when impersonating a typical left-leaning person (LabourGPT). The same could not be said when impersonating a typical right-leaning person (ConservativeGPT) 

‘So, let’s say that, from the data, you would infer that a slight majority of UK voters prefer A instead of B. 

‘However, the way you set up this reward leads the model to (wrongly state) that UK voters strongly prefer A, and that B-supporters are a very small minority.

‘In this fashion, you “teach” the algorithm that amplifying answers towards A is “good”.’ 

According to the team their results raise concerns that ChatGPT – and LLMs in general – can ‘extend and amplify existing political bias’.

As ChatGPT is used by so many it could have great implications in the run-up to elections or any political public vote. 

‘Our findings reinforce concerns that AI systems could replicate, or even amplify, existing challenges posed by the internet and social media,’ said Dr Motoki. 

Professor Duc Pham, an expert in computer engineering at University of Birmingham who was not involved in the study, said the detected bias reflects ‘possible bias in the traning data. 

‘What the current research highlights is the need to be transparent about the data used in LLM training and to have tests for the different kinds of biases in a trained model,’ he said. 

MailOnline has contacted OpenAI, the makers of ChatGPT, for comment. 

Children’s toys could soon be fitted with ChatGPT-style technology, expert claims  

Teddy bears that read your children stories sounds like a premise for a horror film – but one expert says it will become a reality in just five years. 

Allan Wong, co-founder of toymaker VTech, thinks teddies will be fitted with AI that will offer an alternative to parents reading to their kids. 

Like a cross between ChatGPT and Furby, the toy would listen to everything the child says and use the data to create personalised bedtime tales just for them. 

AI-enabled teddies will likely be available in 2028, Wong said, although he admitted the possibilities of smart tech are ‘a little scary’. 

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