Actor Salman Khan launched Bigg Boss 14 in a grand virtual press conference on Thursday. Joining him at the event were former contestants from the reality show – Hina Khan, Siddharth Shukla, and Gauahar Khan, and the members of the production team. Salman teased Sidharth about Shehnaaz Gill while talking through the video screen. He went on to talk about how the COVID-19 period gave him the biggest break of his career as he never took so many leaves after joining the industry officially with Maine Pyar Kiya before 30 years. Also Read – Bigg Boss 14 New Promos: Sidharth Shukla, Hina Khan And Gauahar Khan Say #AbScenePaltega
Kumar Sanu’s son as the first confirmed contestant Also Read – Bigg Boss 14 House Pictures: Rainbow Couch, Metallic Decor And More – Sets go More Stunning This Year
Salman also introduced Jaan Kumar Sanu, son of singer Kumar Sanu as the first confirmed contestant of the show. The singer sang Aankhon Ki Gustaakhiyan from the movie Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam to entertain the viewers. While Jaan kept the audience hooked to his singing, Salman gave him a few tips regarding his stay in the house and asked him to take care of his health and lower his diet. Also Read – Shehnaaz Gill’s Weight Loss Journey: How Bigg Boss 13 Queen Shed 12 Kg in 6 Months
Bigg Boss’ preparations for COVID-19
Clarifying that the makers have followed the best approach to ensure protection from the coronavirus, Salman revealed the steps that the makers are taking for the contestants. The COO of Hindi content at Viacom18, Manish Sharma, said that the contestants will be going through a COVID-19 test at the end of every week. He also promised that the season is going to be full of excitement and ‘dhamaka‘.
Bigg Boss 14 has got a BB Mall
The superstar also introduced the newly built sets of the Bigg Boss 14 house. The sets have been designed to look like a full entertainment and recreational abode in which there’s a spa section, a cinema hall section, a gym, and a shopping mall.
The speculated contestant’s list this year includes the names of Gia Manek, Shagun Pandey, Eijaz Khan, Pavitra Punia, Sara Gurpal, Nishant Malkani, Akansha Puri, and Jasmin Bhasin among others. The show is going to premiere on October 3. It will be aired at 10:30 on weekdays while Saturdays and Sundays with Salman Khan will be featured at 9 pm. Watch out!
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