Baha’i Faith: Building a new society

The historic declaration made by the Prophet-Herald, known as the Bab, marks a new era. For members of the Baha’i Faith, this new age, the age of fulfilment of prophecies in the sacred scriptures, began when Bab addressed the ‘peoples of the West’, bidding them to ‘issue forth’ from their ‘cities’ to aid God and ‘become as brethren’ in his ‘one and indivisible religion’. This process was taken forward by Baha’u’llah, the founder, when he proclaimed to the emperors, rulers and generality of humankind to resolve their differences, establish peace and rule with justice and equity.

The confusion and chaos currently prevailing on Earth, with all its myriad complexities and divisive tendencies, threaten the collapse of not only the civilisation as we know it but the entire ecosphere of the planet. Most countries need a supporting culture for collective awakening today.

The pathway towards mutual tolerance and sustainability will be one of empowerment, collaboration and continual processes of questioning, learning and action. It will be shaped by the experiences of women, men, youth and children, governors and the governed, as each can play their rightful role in constructing a new society.

Baha’i Faith was established on May 23

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