Attitude of selflessness – The Economic Times

If the water that flows through many different channels is directed into one channel, we can use it to produce electric power. Through mantra repetition and meditation, we can control the power of the mind, which is otherwise lost in a multitude of thoughts. In this way, we can conserve and build up our energy.

A porter gets a higher education and becomes a scientist. The scientist still uses the same head that previously carried loads of luggage. But is the ability of the porter the same as that of the scientist? If a porter can become a scientist, why shouldn’t an ordinary person be able to blossom into a spiritual being?

This is possible through spiritual practice, an attitude of selflessness and good thoughts. One can accumulate a great deal of spiritual power by concentrating the mind.

The power that one gains through the chanting of mantra can be used in a way that will benefit the world. There is no selfishness in that. The world receives only good words and deeds from such individuals.

All spiritual practices are done to develop in us the attitude of wanting to dedicate ourselves to the world. But Amma is ready to worship the feet of those who don’t have the inclination to practice any spiritual discipline but are nevertheless willing to dedicate their lives to the world. The benefit gained through prayer can also be gained through selfless service. In selflessness, one is complete. In that state, the limited individual disappears.

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