Aston Martin Formula One Sporting Director On 2021 And Beyond

Aston Martin’s 2021 Formula One season got off to a bit of a rough start. Changes to the aerodynamic regulations put the team’s car at a slight disadvantage, but in a sport where every hundredth of a second is critical, Team Green was on the back foot. Then, at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix, through great strategy, a superlative drive from Sebastian Vettel and a little luck from a chaotic race, they earned themselves a second-place finish. 

It’s been quite the rollercoaster ride so far this season. And to get a better idea of how the team prepared for 2021, I sat down with Aston Martin Formula One Sporting Director Andy Stevenson via video call to have a chat.

Bryan Campbell: Last season, without a doubt, presented huge challenges up and down the Formula One grid. It also shook things up going into 2021. Can you talk about the team’s approach to this season?

Andy Stevenson: Formula One decided to carry over regulations from 2020 to 2021, both because we didn’t have a full season and to keep the cost down. There was a lot of uncertainty at the time. Through a lot of hard work and collaboration with everyone in the sport, we managed to put on a pretty good season in the end.

For 2021, the decision was to keep the regulations the same but allow the teams to make some developments. That way it would allow teams to overcome some issues they were suffering in 2020 because ideally, we want the grid as competitive as possible for good racing. 

Campbell: Your team has changed names and owners a few times over the years, but historically has always punched above its weight. Realistically, where do you expect Aston Martin to land in the pecking order in 2021?

Stevenson: We know Mercedes is extremely strong, closely followed by Red Bull and then there are a bunch of teams that are incredibly close in terms of performance. When you’re up against names like Renault, Ferrari, McLaren, it’s not going to be easy. 

With us now as Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One Team, there’s been significant investment coming since Lawrence [Stroll] first acquired the team. We’re using that to our advantage. We already had a lot of work scheduled but it means we can utilize all those new areas we’ve been working on a year earlier than the new car will be built. It’s an interesting transition period. 

Campbell: What makes Aston Martin different from the team’s last iteration, Racing Point?

Stevenson: Obviously the name we’re carrying now is a very famous name steeped in history, but there’s a significant amount of investment that comes along with it. And it’s a name we want to do right by. We now represent an iconic brand and it’s our responsibility to ensure we do it justice. With that investment, we’ve improved our tools, hired more technical staff allowing us to compete better track side and bring better upgrades to the car faster. 

Campbell: For Formula One-uninitiated, can you explain the sport’s unique culture of teams vying for “best of the rest”? 

Stevenson: We never go to a race weekend not wanting to win. The aim is always to win, but the competition is always tough. Through the history of Formula One, there’s always been one team that’s held dominance over a number of years and that can be down to several factors. But it’s usually down to finance. The stronger teams are usually the better-financed ones.

For many years McLaren was the team to beat, then it was Williams, then it went to Ferrari, then Red Bull. At the moment it’s Mercedes, who is on a record-breaking run purely through the amount of investment put into their whole package, both with the design of the car and their drivers as well. Drivers like Lewis Hamilton are incredibly hard to beat, no matter what car they’re in.  

Our aim is to be realistic and look at the competition in front of us and do the best job possible to ensure we beat the competitors closest to us. But that’s not to say we don’t enter every weekend with the ultimate goal of trying to win the Grand Prix.

It’s quite difficult to explain to anyone on the outside why we turn up each weekend if we know we can’t win, but we have to pick our battles. We want to establish Aston Martin Cognizant as a top-three so we can win at any point. Our long-term plan is to win and our 3-5 year plan is to be the best in the world.

Campbell: Along with taking on the Aston Martin name, the team also took on a big name in Sebastian Vettel. Can you speak a bit about how that transpired?

Stevenson: With the team moving into the new era and looking to take on a world championship, we had to look at the aspects that needed to be strengthened. One of them, quite simply, was we didn’t have a driver who had won a championship. From experience, during the Jordan Grand Prix days, seeing the expertise, knowledge and experience Damon Hill brought to the team was phenomenal. It wouldn’t have mattered how many hours we put into each day or how many days we put into each week, we wouldn’t make up for the experience Damon brought. 

That’s the thinking we used for 2021 and Sebastian fit the mold. We managed to persuade Sebastian this would be the right place for him to continue his career. He had a very tough year in 2020, but so did Ferrari as a whole. They didn’t have a car that was competitive and it’s no secret they were struggling with their engine. 

We’re looking forward to seeing how he can move the team forward internally, by guiding us in areas we’re weaker than we should be. We’re always willing to learn.

Campbell: Seeing as how 2021 is a unique stop-gap of a season, at what point do you start to divert resources to 2022?

Stevenson: That’s a difficult one. We’re going to keep racing and see where we are competitively and if we find ourselves in a very close battle and our season goal is still achievable, we’ll continue to develop the car for as long as we possibly can. Along with all the other teams, we’re already doing our research for the 2022 cars. But, as the Sporting Director, I’m completely focused on 2021. 

We have historically punched above our weight, but by the end of the year, we were absolutely exhausted. The plan is to still keep punching above our weight, but now we have a lot more strength behind us.

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