April Fools Day: All fool’s day today, as is tomorrow, &…

In the not-so-distant past, April 1 was the designated day for jesters and pranksters. But these days, we’re no longer restricted by one silly day – now, every day is silly. Turn on the news and you’ll be pranked by fake news, or you’ll take yet another ‘Breaking News’ at face value. Saunter into office, and you’ll find team-building exercises involving interpretive dance and interpretive tax returns.

High-end lunches are now a banana – it’s the low-carb trend with potassium as the new quinoa. Social media feeds this 367-day inanity, where everyone’s a critic, and everyone’s lives are beatific snapshots. And then, there’s, of course, Elon Musk being sold as today’s Leonardo da Vinci. Even nature joins the prank parade with summer lingering well into autumn, and ‘dangerous AQI level’ making us breathe a sigh of relief. Like all-year-round cricket that everyone apparently needs to watch to stay relevant, perpetual elections, too, are injected with excitement hormones, no matter that the results are pretty much a given – or are certainly expected to be a given. And even if only this year happens to be the fabled ‘2024’, all years henceforth are ‘election years’.

This perennial state of All Fool’s Day is, well, here to stay. So, embrace the absurdity, join the punchline. Because if we’re not laughing with you, we’re laughing at you, kid.

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