Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens Theory – Aliens Were Here

What if the ancient aliens have been here?

from a way more technologically superior and older tradition than the people? If this has been true.. is it attainable the “supernatural powers” have been merely the interpretation of superior expertise? Wouldn’t this additionally assist clarify the developments in training and expertise required to construct these wonderful buildings constructed by historical civilizations? This concept does assist clarify the evolution of human civilization and better studying.

kailasa temple by Aliens

Ancient Aliens Theory

These “Gods” most often have been from the celebs or sky. These “Gods” would train them, information them, and rule over them with supernatural powers. Some individuals at the moment regard these beliefs, held by these historical civilizations, as simply merely myths or legends. But what if these so referred to as “gods” have been really extraterrestrials or aliens from elsewhere within the universe?

Maybe there is a little bit of an element of truth in it somewhere. If an alien comes it’s such a fantastic thing. Something absolutely new entered our life. Human beings have always been doing incredible things, but they never got the media I read some theories about all gods are aliens who has lots of good technology and tools with them long back. What’s your thought about it?

Aliens Were Here

Thank you. Because normally when you say God people will look up so they must be aliens (Laughter). Obviously not residing on this planet so there must be aliens. I know theories and theories are going around. Anything that you cannot explain, that’s happened on this planet, you want to invent a fantastic story that somebody else must have come and done this. I’m not saying that is not at all possible either, but I think ninety-five percent of it is just lost imagination.

There is a five percent element of truth to it. I cannot deny it after having been to Manasarovar and Kailash. It’s a living confrontation (Laughs). It’s a living encounter, so I cannot deny it. But everything that you cannot explain, thinking that somebody else from somewhere came and did this – this is an ancient problem continuing till today. “If you don’t know how something happened in your life, it must be him who did it.” You know, somebody else is always responsible for all the things that we don’t know how.

I think it’s ninety-five percent conjecture. Maybe there is a little bit of an element of truth in it somewhere, maybe. But instead of going off into these fanciful thoughts and philosophies and belief systems, that you start seeing aliens floating around in your cities…

When they come and introduce themselves, okay, till they come and introduce themselves, that they come, stand here and say, “Sadhguru, this is me. I’ve come from Mars,” till then we can ignore them, really. Till then, you can ignore them. Because… I know you’ve been watching Hollywood movies and they’re going to come and attack you, and you have to prepare right now.

You have to build an army to fight the aliens. Somebody is making money on building this fanciful thought in your head. Even you have to fight wars with stars! I thought you could do something better (Laughter). I thought you could do at least something better outside this planet. You’re not able to settle your prejudices and you know, anger and hatred we’ve generated against people. If you’re not able to drop it,

I thought at least with aliens we could welcome them and have a party with them. But no – with stars also, wars (Laughter). I don’t think so. If an alien comes, it’s such a fantastic thing. Something absolutely new entered our life, there may be so much gossip (Laughter). Hmm? And you could share so many things, your insights into the local tch juice. And they may have their juice. It could be a fantastic interaction.

Anyway, you’re talking about they came and built this, they came and built the pyramids, they came and built the Mayan temples, they came and built the Indian Kailash temple – you know, it’s going on. In India, there’s a temple called the Kailash temple,

kailasa temple by Aliens

Kailash temple made by Aliens?

where this was not built, it was cut into a mountain from the top, okay. They took out some four million tons of rock. I want you to understand what I am saying. It’s like… Let’s say this (Gestures) entire thing was a rock and we carved this hall out of that rock, okay? Like this, they carved out a temple, which is three floors, with elaborate carvings, and from the top.


It’s very difficult for any sculptor to work from the top down, okay. But they worked sculptures like this, hundreds of stone images and three floors of temple. It is one of the most incredible things that human beings have done on this planet.

I don’t want to give away the credit to the aliens. When I first visited this Kailash temple, I felt proud of being a human being, tch, because four generations of people, hundred-and-thirty-five years…

maybe five generations or six generations of people, one-hundred-and-thirty-five years, they worked to the same plan, okay. Just with hammer and chisel, four million tons of rock was removed and they built a temple. Nothing was built, everything was carved out of the mountain, not this way (Gestures), from the top down. It is the most incredible piece of engineering and craftsmanship, that human beings have displayed on the planet. When I went there, my chest swelled.

There’re so many things that human beings are doing that we should feel ashamed of. But there are many things they have done that we can be really proud of. I don’t want to give away credit to the aliens. No, human beings did it. Human beings have always been doing incredible things but they never got the media (Laughter). Only those, who did horrible things, got the media.

Aliens stonehenge

The reality is: the evolution of human civilization and better studying nonetheless stays a thriller to mankind. More and extra proof exhibits that historical civilizations had a tremendous understanding of Astronomy, Science and Math that in some circumstances rivals at the moment’s cultures.

But on the identical time these historical civilizations have been purported to be one step out of the stone age? These historical civilizations constructed large buildings which have stood the check of time… and even with at the moment’s expertise and equipment can be arduous to duplicate.

How did they do that? Why did they really feel it was so vital for future generations to see their work? Looking at historic accounts from the Hopi Indians, Egyptians, Maya, Aztec, and lots of different historical civilizations, all of them point out unusual phenomenons that got here from the sky like our modern-day UFOs. Most of those historical civilizations had beliefs in “gods” that interacted with or created them.

peru-nazca-spider lines-by Aliens

Today, historical websites just like the Nazca lines, Egyptian Pyramids, and Mayan Pyramids all level to the existence of Ancient Aliens. We are starting the “Golden Age” of area exploration. As we study concerning the Universe.. given the sheer measurement, mass, and time… an increasing number of Scientists agree proof factors to the idea that life exists elsewhere. Maybe the reply to our future is opening our minds to the probabilities of our previous.