The anticipation for Sivakartikeyan’s Amaran is high. The Rajkumar Periasamy directorial released in the theatres today and the Telugu version is expected to spring a big surprise on day 1. As per the pre-sales, the patriotic drama is expected to be the third biggest opened of 2024, after GOAT and Vettaiyan. On the other hand, the bookings for the Telugu version have crossed expectations and are pretty good in Hyderabad and other areas. As per Box office tracker Sacnilk’s live data, so far, the film has earned Rs 4.1 crore domestically and the numbers are expected to go up.
The Tamil biographical war film sees Sivakarthikeyan as Major Mukund Varadarajan along with Sai Pallavi, who plays his wife, Indhu Rebeccan Varghese. The film also stars Bhuvan Arora, Rahul Bose, Amit Singh Dabas, Lallu, Shreekumar, Shyam Mohan and Geetha Kailasam.
It is directed by Rajkumar Perisasamy and is inspired by Shiv Aroor and Rahul Singh’s India’s Most Fearless: True Stories of Modern Military.