Shah Rukh Khan is known as the King of Bollywood for years now. The actor has very gracefully handled the title all these years and with the charm he exudes, it is impossible to not love him. SRK has had several ups and downs in his career however, he has always come out bigger and better and therefore he is the true superstar in every sense. SRK has been at the top of the ladder for over two decades and has maintained his position well.
With it, a lot of luxuries and perks have come his way. He has properties in India as well as in Dubai and London.
Not just that, the actor also has a drool-worthy collection of cars, watches and a home in Mumbai that every person envies him for. Today, wetell you about the most expensive watch in his collection and the price will leave you speechless. SRK owns a Patek Philippe Aquanaut 5968A. He was spotted wearing the watch with an orange strap for an event looking rather sharp. The price of the watch is a jaw-dropping Rs 38,40,000. When you are King Khan, clearly nothing seems too much.