Alia looks jaw-dropping in a beautiful floral saree by renowned designer Sabyasachi. Glancing through her pictures closely, one of the social media users spotted a small dot of kajal behind her ear. Her admirers were immensely impressed by her look suggesting that the ‘kaala teeka’ is indeed essential with one user commenting “As beautiful as it looked, the black tikka was essential; it protects from the evil eye. While another one added, “She’s looking breathtaking, kala tika toh banta h (she needed the kaala teeka).”
Not only did the actress steal her fans’ hearts but also left her entire family completely in awe of her look at the Met Gala 2024. Soni Razdan, Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and Shaheen Bhatt took to social media, admiring the actress and appreciating designer Sabyasachi’s magnificent vision. According to a leading media portal, Alia’s mother, Soni Razdan also complimented designer Sabyasachi, writing, “@sabyasachiofficial you’re an absolute genius. Don’t know how you created this work of art in the time you had. It’s simply stunning but even that is an understatement… Truly a masterpiece and has transformed @aliaabhatt into a timeless princess.”
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