Akshay Kumar’s Bell Bottom was the first Bollywood film to go on floors post the lockdown. While the coronavirus pandemic is still a large threat across the world, the team decided to go ahead with the shooting ensuring safety protocols are followed and the team remains in a safe environment.
It was recently announced on social media that the film has completed shooting and if rumours are to be believed, we might get a teaser soon as well. A source told a leading news portal, “The Bell Bottom team has decided to launch a 1-minute long teaser for the audiences. They have already cut out the promo, but they are giving finishing touches to the same. The plan is to unveil the promo on October 4, but there could be a day or two delay in the music and editing. But the Bell Bottom teaser is definitely releasing in the first week of October. It won’t reveal much about the film but just give the viewer an experience of what to expect from the film. It was Akshay and Jackky’s idea to launch a teaser almost six months away from its release.”
Bell Bottom is directed by Ranjit Tiwari and also features Vaani Kapoor, Huma Qureshi and Lara Dutta in leading roles.