Akshay Kumar officially became a part of Maddock Films’ horror-comedy universe with his cameo in Stree 2 and now the makers have confirmed that he will be seen in Stree 3 as well. During the trailer launch event of Sky Force, Akshay was asked whether he will be a permanent part of the horror-universe to which he said, “What can I say? Dinesh and Jyoti (Deshpande) will have to decide that. They’re the ones to pump in the money. Aur Amar Kaushik ko direct karna hai.”
Akshay played the role of the leader of a differently abled group of people at a hospital. However, it was revealed that he is the descendent of the antagonist of Stree 2, Sarkata. The post credit scene in Stree 2 also showed Akshay getting possessed, hinting that his storyline has not ended with the film and has more to offer.
Meanwhile, Maddock Films recently announced a slate of eight upcoming films including Stree 3 which will release on August 13, 2027.