After A Viral First Season, Serena Kerrigan’s Instagram-Live Dating Show Is Back And…

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit New York City in mid-March, Serena Kerrigan found herself in completely uncharted territory. Like countless other urbanites, the 26-year-old content creator was quarantined alone in her smallish Manhattan apartment and felt her world starting to crumble—but most foreign to her was a new, very strong desire for a companion.

“My entire brand is about empowering women to realize that they don’t need anyone else to ‘complete them’ and that being alone doesn’t mean feeling lonely,” Kerrigan says. “Then, we’re hit with a global pandemic, and I felt very lonely.” Thinking the health crisis would last a couple of months at most, she began telling her Instagram followers that she wanted a “corona boyfriend,” someone she could essentially quarantine with and then send on his merry way when everything returned to normal.

Kerrigan wasn’t sure what dating would look like with the entire city on lockdown, though, so when she was asked to be on a Zoom version of a comedic dating show, she excitedly agreed. “It ended up being really misogynistic and sexist,” she recalls. “I loved it from the angle of dating, but the hosts were making passes at me when they were getting to know me on the phone, which I thought was weird, and then the dater they picked for me was one of their friends. When I politely rejected him at the end, he was like, ‘You’re such a bitch. Don’t you want to date a doctor?’” The hosts even spoke about Kerrigan during their after-show and said she needed a man to put her in her place.

Despite the horrible experience, however, she found the whole virtual dating show concept entertaining and decided she didn’t need a pair of chauvinist hosts or the inorganic Zoom platform to be on a quarantine dating show; instead, she’d do it herself.

“I always wanted to be a performer when I was growing up, but my mom and dad, who are both in the film and television industry, always told me that I should have agency over my career and my path,” she explains. While working as a video producer for Refinery29, a job she left in February just before the pandemic began, Kerrigan was a part of the Facebook Live team and produced, starred in, and directed more than 60 assets for the site every month. Her natural on-screen talents were obvious, and friends began encouraging her to go on “The Bachelor” or other reality TV shows, but Kerrigan was reluctant to give up control of her image and leave her portrayal in the hands of editors. “Sometimes it was frustrating, and it was like, I can’t just start a TV show,” she says. “But that’s of course exactly what I ended up doing.”

Early in the pandemic, Kerrigan noticed how many people were going live on Instagram, and with her extensive experience in the domain, she figured she would too. “I started going live at 6:30PM every single day,” she remembers. “I was alone in my apartment, so my audience, in a way, became like my best friend. We would talk about our day, and I would always start drinking and dancing, and it was always just a great way to engage.” Her followers loved it, and with the idea of a virtual dating show already on her mind, Kerrigan knew Instagram Live would be the perfect home for it.

Recognizing that Friday night had long been the time to blow off some steam after a long work week and that quarantine now left everyone with nothing to do, Kerrigan scheduled her first date for a Friday in late April. And when the clock struck 8:30 that evening, “Let’s F*cking Date,” was born.

The first few episodes came with a slight learning curve, but soon enough, Kerrigan had thousands of her friends and followers tuning in to watch her dates each week, and she quickly realized that the real star of the show was the comments section. “The comments are everything, and they’re what make the show,” she notes. “Every dating show we’ve ever watched is hyper-produced, edited, and not in real time, and we don’t know what’s real and authentic. But this is so authentic, and the audience gets to have a real hand in it through the comment section.”

Kerrigan also found an immediate need for an after-show. “After I went on the dates, the first thing I wanted to do was ask my friends what they thought, so I just did it online,” she says. Off-the-screen friends, like Alana Hadid and Danielle Bernstein, made regular appearances to voice their opinions on the dates, but Kerrigan welcomed complete strangers to the show as well. “I give them the opportunity to say whether they think I should go on a second date with this person or if there were a third date in real life, where they’d want us to go, and my fans all over the world get to tell me what they thought of the date right after it happened,” she explains. “So, I think that makes people very invested in this show and in my life.”

While her role as producer, host, and contestant of “Let’s F*cking Date” is indeed what allows Kerrigan to be in complete control of the show and of her image, balancing it all hasn’t been easy. “I’m literally juggling being on the date, giving entertainment, reading the comments, seeing how many people are watching, reading texts from my producer, and being me—and I’m drinking obviously too!” she says. “I’m also trying to make the daters feel comfortable because it is scary to come into this setting and this fanbase, so it’s a lot while also producing and hosting this show, but it’s a fun challenge, and I find it to be very exhilarating.”

What Kerrigan enjoys more than anything else, though, is how empowered the show makes her feel—and in turn, how empowered it makes her audience feel. “I realized that dating before virtual-dating was such an exhausting process. You’re swiping on so many guys, you’re talking to a handful of them, and then you pick one of those guys to give a big chunk of your week to,” she explains. “That’s a lot of pressure, and the stakes are really high, so you’re naturally going to want for that date to go really well, and you’ll be less likely to be yourself.” With virtual dating, however, Kerrigan felt more freedom to be herself. “Within 20 or 30 minutes, you can end the call, and if it went well, then you can meet them in person, but you’re going to know right away whether you like them or not,” she says. “It just takes all the pressure away.”

The authenticity of Kerrigan’s Instagram Live show was undeniable, as she flirted, drank, and even struggled through awkward happenings every Friday night, and her unfiltered attitude was simultaneously entertaining and charismatic. But in order for “Let’s F*cking Date” to be successful as a dating show, she soon discovered that it all came down to casting. “I think some of the guys on last season were fantastic, but it was pretty evident that no one was really my guy,” she notes. “There were a couple who were up there, but I don’t think we really hit the mark in the way that a lot of other dating shows do.”

After two and a half months of weekly dates and more than a million views in total, the clear winner of season one was, perhaps unsurprisingly, Kerrigan herself. But she knows that as much as she might have her own heart, her audience would like to see her end up with someone the second time around. “Now that we have a lot more eyeballs and the stakes are a bit higher, people want to see me with someone at the end,” she says. “So, for season two, I hired a full-time producer whose main focus will be casting, and we talked about the type of guy that I’d be interested in, the type of guy my fans want to see, and what I’ve learned I really don’t want.” Kerrigan’s dates will remain 100 percent blind, but she believes this approach, rather than the friend-of-a-friend recommendations of season one, will help ensure she finds a winning man—or at the very least, someone worthy of a third date. “At the end of the day, a relationship is about conversation, and you want someone who can challenge you and grow with you and make you laugh,” she notes. “So, that’s what I’m looking for, but I also know that I, on my own, can make myself happy.”

The second season of “Let’s F*cking Date” will premiere live Wednesday, September 9, at 8:30PM on Kerrigan’s Instagram.

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