A criminal has caste, religion, and everything else until and unless he/she is non…

In chemistry, there used to be a lot of exceptions. But what if I told you about one kind of chemistry that has no exception and where one template works always without the need to plan for a failsafe? It’s the chemistry between the media fraternity, be it the leftist media portals or our mainstream media portals.

The latest manifestation of rot within the “Liberals’

For decades, Pakistan-backed terrorists have made some districts of Kashmir a hotbed of conflict. This has caused heightened security concerns in the region. This is why it’s alarming to see that a conman was able to not only infiltrate the security structure but also get top-level security protection for himself and his accomplices.

As per media reports, the conman Kiran Patel pretended to be the Assistant Director for strategy and campaigns in the Prime Minister’s Office. In addition to official lodging at a five-star hotel and a bulletproof Mahindra Scorpio SUV, he was able to obtain Z-plus security protection thanks to this.

In this regard, he was able to visit sensitive forward areas near the Line of Control. He also posted pictures of himself at an army installation in the Uri sector.

It’s important to note that he was arrested on March 2 as a result of a tip from the Jammu and Kashmir CID. But his arrest was kept a secret by the police until a magistrate sent him to judicial prison. According to reports, Amit Hitesh Pandiya, Jay Sitapara from Gujarat, and Trilok Singh from Rajasthan, three of his accomplices, managed to flee before being apprehended.

This is a serious matter that needs to be investigated thoroughly, as the security forces are doing so. The security of sensitive areas like Kashmir cannot be left to chance, and the security agencies will nab the nexus behind this imposter ‘PMO team’ that has caused a nightmare for security issues.

However, this criminal offense by imposter Kiran Patel and his accomplices has been turned into a tool to insult the entire Gujarati community. Several netizens have branded Gujaratis in a bad light based on this incidence.


Few others are tweeted on a different tangent altogether. Trying to connect unrelated multiversal things requires different special calibrations or special substances.

Similar to this, after Gujarat’s assembly election, the notorious cabal tried to paint the Gujarati community as vile and supporters of hateful ideology, among other disparaging remarks.


Read More: “They voted for rapist” The liberal cabal curses Gujarati voters with their choice expletives.

Similar past antecedents

The conundrum is whether a criminal has a caste, religion, region, or community angle or not. The clear-cut liberal solution—the Abrahamic and non-Abrahamic tests. While non-monotheistic Dharma is responsible for any and every wrongdoing and criminality on Earth, belief in one hard-line truth absolves the rest, and there are multiple factors at play for these crimes. Premium being the so-called retaliation for “oppressive” actions of these non-Abrahamic dharma.

A clear example of how to decode the criminal rule conundrum are these two tweets, and the rest is up to you to decide whether such netizens are hypocrites or not.


Due to their duplicity in using various standards depending on the identity of the victim-oppressor combination, the so-called Social Justice Warriors (SJW) lack credibility in society. They are unable to record any senses for any heinous crime that doesn’t fit their agenda, though. It seems that their hypocrisy is plain to see.

Read More: A deathly silence descends upon liberal elites as Lakhimpur rapists are exposed as Muslims

Self-introspection is a rare quality, but the notorious Islamo-leftist cabal has none at all. The disgusting cabal is actually a group of sour losers.

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