During the trailer launch event of his son Junaid Khan’s upcoming project Loveyapa, Aamir opened up about his debut film. He shared, “I felt like my work was not very fine-tuned in some places. Some scenes I did well, and also the song moments like ‘Papa Kehte Hai’ were done well. But there are still a few moments that irritate me as an actor. I didn’t enjoy them.”
He also praised Juhi Chawla saying, “She did a good job and was polished as an actor with a command over her dialogue delivery and expression. It looked very clean on-screen, whereas I used to speak very fast.”
Aamir Khan launched the trailer of his son Junaid Khan’s big-screen debut Loveyapa. The film also features Khushi Kapoor. It will be released in theatres on February 7, 2025.