Psychedelics, it’s a planetary thing

Stuck with a nagging problem that just won’t quit? Management gurus say it’s time to toss out the usual playbook and get creative. Well, a group of climate academics and activists have fully embraced that advice. Their solution? Psychedelics. Yes, they’re convinced that a good old ‘consciousness shift’ courtesy of some trippy experiences might just spark climate-friendly behaviour. And before you laugh them off as Deadheads, know this: the ‘Psychedelics for Climate Action‘ crew isn’t some tie-dye-wearing sideshow. They were front and centre at New York City’s Climate Week.

So, how does this psychedelic wizardry work? According to Marissa Feinberg, founder of Psychedelics for Climate Action, it’s not just regular folks who could benefit. She believes even C-suite execs (read: fat Cheshire cats) could use a little help ‘thinking outside the box’ on social and climate issues. Jeff Bezos, for example. Feinberg reckons Amazon‘s anti-worker policies and massive carbon emissions might come from some deep-rooted insecurity. One magic mushroom later, and voila! Bezos could transform from wealth-hoarder to a beacon of compassion and sustainability. Who knows? The ultimate climate plan could be discovering new planets while tripping. Who needs carbon offsets when you can explore entire solar systems in your mind? Take that, peoples.

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