Doctor Who and James Bond actor Earl Cameron passes away at 102

Earl Cameron took to the entertainment business in the 1950s to earn money after the second world war. He got his breakthrough in 1951 with Pool of London won him praise for his role. His role in the film is considered as, “the first major role for a black actor in a British mainstream film.” 


Known for his roles in films like James Bond and the titular character in Doctor Who, Earl Cameron passed away on July 3, at the age of 102. Speaking of his legacy, David Burt, the Premiere of Bermuda told an international leading daily, “At a time when the whole world is examining the history of people of colour, Earl Cameron’s life and legacy makes us pause and remember how he broke barriers and refused to be confined to what his humble beginnings may have dictated as his path.” 


Earl Cameron is survived by his wife Barbara and children. The official statement from the family read, “Our family has been overwhelmed by the outpourings of love and respect we have received at the news of our father’s passing … As an artist and as an actor he refused to take roles that demeaned or stereotyped the character of people of colour. He was truly a man who stood by his moral principles and was inspirational.” 

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