Abhishek Bachchan has been taking us down the memory lane with his social media as he is about to complete two decades in the film industry. The actor has been sharing snippets from his past works with the hashtag #RoadTo20 and the latest in the series is his 2018 release, Manmarziyaan. Directed by Anurag Kashyap, the film stars Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal along with Abhishek in a modern day love triangle. The film did not garner great box-office numbers but received a lot of praise form the audience.
Reminiscing about the film, Abhishek said, Year-2018 I didn’t have a release in 2017. 2018 saw the coming together of @anuragkashyap10 @aanandlrai @taapsee @vickykaushal09 @kanika.d and @itsamittrivedi I’ve written so much about my experiences of working on Manmarziyaan ( if you scroll back on my feed you can read it) a young energetic unit who gave it their all. Made a wonderful film about modern love. Made good memories and ate the best food and drank the best lassi in Amritsar.”
He then added that he would love to have Anurag Kashyap make a documentary about food around the country with him nd Vicky Kaushal as hosts. He wrote, “I have an idea… Anurag, let’s make documentary on food across India. Vicky and I will host it. Kanika can write it. You and Anand direct it. Amit will give the soundtrack. Taapsee will handle all public relations and production ( since she will probably not eat anything!!) I’m on! Over to you.”
Well, Indian food, plus Abhishek and Vicky as hosts and directed by Anurag Kashyap, that sounds like something we’d want to see.