How It Will Soon Be Possible To From 50 Countries

Europe plans to open its borders with 50 countries soon, and is busy drawing up a list, so international travel to and from the continent can begin.

“The idea is, from July 1, to be able to put on the table a list of countries overseas from which we can come–or go,” says French Secretary of State to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne.

Earlier this month, the European Union said it will start opening its borders to safe Covid-19 countries from July 1. As it prepares to lift the travel ban for some tourists, the EU is busy deciding on exactly who can visit in early summer–and where Europeans can holiday.

Only Tourists Who Don’t Put Europeans Health At Risk Welcome First

“The plan is to come up with an initial list, of some 50 countries, who have the pandemic under control, and who don’t put at risk the health of French people and Europeans,” Lemoyne says.

Mapping out those countries that will get a green light for Europe travel–and where Europe travelers can go on vacation–is not an easy task he told France Info television on Friday. “It’s an undertaking, extremely intense, we’re doing it between European nations, because what we want is that the whole thing is coordinated, that it unfurls progressively.”

The French minister says the list is being determined based on “very objective” epidemiological data on Covid-19, “such as infection levels”, both in the EU/Schengen countries and internationally.

Details he forecast should emerge towards Wednesday. Lemoyne suggested diplomatic missions overseas are helping EU members prepare for the international tourism comeback. “We are pursuing the plan, our ambassadors are meeting this afternoon … But based on health indications we establish, we will soon have the list.”

The countries to whom Europe’s borders are open to will be expanded in time, he added. “Every 15 days that list of countries will be updated, to (include) countries who’ve got the epidemic in check.”

Green Light Likely For Western Pacific, Southeast Asia, Africa Countries

Based on data from the World Health Organization, a travel bubble is very likely to develop between Europe and many countries in the Western Pacific (Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan etc.), Southeast Asia and Africa, where infection levels are similar or better. New daily cases in the U.S. on the other hand have soared again to over 27,000 on June 23. (That’s up from 5,200 cases on June 12). In Brazil, that figure is 17,459. In Canada 318. In France an all-time low 5.

Travel Unlikely Between Europe And America

Asked about borders reopening between Europe, the United States and Canada, Lemoyne dodged the question. Yet he still suggested it was unlikely.

“I’m not going to give you a list of countries (where tourism will go ahead) today … Because precisely, that is being pursued based on very strict health criteria, infection trends too. All this in conjunction with the European Centre for Disease Prevention And Control.

And notably, on the American continent, Latin America, includes countries where the virus is still circulating in a very active manner. Brazil first and foremost.”

Whether this leaves a glimmer of hope for ends of travel bans on both sides of the Atlantic remains to be seen. Brazil clearly is out of the question. Canada and the U.S. perhaps not. Unless as French monthly business magazine Capital notes: “The presence of the epidemic, a criterion used in drawing up this list, could thus make the American continent inaccessible to the French throughout the summer.”

People should still stick closer to home for now Lemoyne continued. “For French people to go further afield (than Europe), it’s going to take a bit longer.”

Risks Of Europe Opening Up To International Travelers

As to the risks of Europe opening up to other travelers, the Frenchman responded: “We are taking all the necessary precautions. With regards to the rate of infection, the number of Covid-19 cases in each country. That’s what is guiding our decision. And in the European Union, we see that we have all, more or less, got the epidemic under control.

“In France, we’re ready to roll out the red carpet now for tourists from countries such as Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. Because three quarters of our tourism in France is European.”

Europe-Wide Travel Almost Back To Normal

Since March 17, travel restrictions have prevented all leisure travel into 30 European countries. Many of those countries also put up temporary border controls stopping all but essential travel among fellow Europeans.

Nearly all those checks have been removed, and should be largely by July 1 Lemoyne says. “It’s been happening gradually, since June 15 within the European Union members.”

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